Integrated Business Planning in 3 Simple Steps

Let us show you how easy it is to get started and what options are available to you.

  • Portfolio Audit

    We will engage with your team and review your entire product portfolio. We will define what PRODUCT, MARKET and GEOGRAPHY means for your organization and how to make it plan-able. During this phase we will conduct a comprehensive data analysis, which will allow us to establish the right planning metrics for your organization and to setup the required starting parameters and forecast methods.

    We are going to review critical success metrics such as forecast accuracy and error, safety stock and service levels and other inventory measures and will align such with the most appropriate forecast levels.

    Our proven and sophisticated Portfolio Audit goes beyond the well established ABCxyz analysis, as it drives a comprehensive what-if analysis as the means to establish optimal (hyper)parameter settings, unique to your business.

    At the end of this exercise we have complete clarity on your business performance and how to automate it for future efficiency.

  • Enable iCUE Growth Services

    We are going to work with you to connect the iCUE Growth Services API with your current system. The goal is to have an automated and system supported planning cycle ready to go. If you already posses a planing system and like to enhance it, you simply need to integrate the iCUE services via our OpenAPI. Latter one is straightforward and simple to use and comes with a fully self-explanatory interface. Our team is here for you, in case you desire help with the implementation.

    For customers that require a comprehensive ERP solution we are ready to advice on what to look out for and how to make this happen in time and budget.

  • IBP in Action

    We finish the exercise with a dry run and set you up for the real cycles. You are ready to go! From here on out you will know where to check, when and what to monitor and review and how to trigger responsive actions in your information landscape.

    Depending on your chosen implementation package there will be pre-created reports and checklists available to you, to further solidify your experience. Rest assured, we are there to help you.

Get in Touch and let us show you how to improve your profit margins by a guaranteed 15% or more.